Biosipec Standard

What Is Biosipec Standard?

This farming model is ideal for intensive farming. Consisted of the recirculation pond, siphon/drain-out, sedimentation tank/pond. This model is compatible to integrate into the current practice; and required practical training.

Recirculation Pond
  • Earthen pond using water from general treatment source (internal channel, primary settling pond and secondary settling pond)​
  • Can be used for 6-7 nursery cycles per year, with maintenance every 2-3 years.
Nursery/Grow-out Stage​
  • Higher bottom elevation, central drainage, optional plastic roof or dark net to minimize water quality fluctuation
  • Juveniles are transferred to the next phase when they reach the carrying capacity (≥ 0.2 g) and cycle situation​
Schematic representation of recirculation pond​

Ocialis has become a master-brand of ADM animal nutrition since 2019. Now, we are strengthening our ADM aquaculture long-term capability with a new brand identity. In line with this change, you will see the ADM brand reflected in this Website.

Please note that this change is only applied on our materials such as packaging, and in multiple other areas where our brand is featured.

All the products and services, origins, and quality remain unchanged.

We look forward to keep receiving your trust and support in this process.

If you have any inquiries related to this change, please do not hesitate to contact us at