What Is Biosipec Advance?
This farming model is ideal for super-intensive farming. Consisted of biofilter, optional biofloc, siphon/drain-out, and sedimentation tank/pond. This is a high-technology application required practical training and specialist’s consultant.

Biofilter Tank
- Reduces toxic gases (NH3 and NO2)
Combined with sedimentation tank to separate suspended solids - Can be used for 6-7 nursery cycles per year, with renewal every 2-3 years
Nursery/Grow-Out Stage
- Polyethylene roof or dark net minimizes water quality fluctuation
- Daily use of probiotics (BACTOSAFE)
- Juveniles are transferred to the next phase when they reach the carrying capacity (≥ 0.2 g) and cycle situation
Schematic representation of recirculation pond